Your love; it's soul captivating <3

So Long and No Thanks for all the FishPoisson

Just when I was giving myself a pat on my back for having made sense of all the examples in the lecture notes, the tutorial had to come and own my ass. WHAT THE POISSON?!

NEVERMIND. At least I had a good row this morning in spite of all the coughing fits and breathlessness. Thank You for looking after me :)

Anyhoo, some replies here so I can avoid spamming my own tagboard:
@Ray: Umm nothing in particular.. I've wanted to rant about it for sometime actually :D
@Java: I'll be ready with a camera when you do that! :E
@Man: Not angst lah, can't be bothered to waste my energy angsting nowadays, too much work to do and trainings!! :D
@ET: All those stupid premature 'matures' (>.<)

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go to, then; your considerate stone.
10:18 PM

Excuse me for an entry, I am going to rant some. So if it hasn’t been your day and you don’t feel like you’ve got the patience to listen to some stupid git rant, I’m going to give you 6 words’ grace. Stop reading right here, go away. Or if you’re the choosy kind and absolutely have to exercise your democratic rights by demanding to know what you’re signing up for if you decide to keep reading, I am going to rant about underage drinking, yes UNDERAGE DRINKING ok? OR if, unlikely, you decide you’ll just listen to me rant anyway because you are generous and kind of heart, and you, unlikely, decide that you agree with my point of view after my tirade, please feel free to hang around and defend me against those who are.. not for me.

Ok so, UNDERAGE DRINKING. You know what I think? I think we won’t have problems with underage drinking if there wasn’t such a thing as underage drinking in the first place. How’s that for a topic sentence? Succinct huh?

Now let me elaborate on the cause of this rant. I get absolutely riled by people around me who think that drinking is the utmost manifestation of their coming of age. Mention the word ‘alcohol’ and their eyes light up, they go on a name-sprouting contest, presumably to demonstrate their mature knowledge in the field of fermented drinks. They speak of drinking like some elite activity. They treat fellow underage drinkers with respect and declare them the people with the biggest hips (and the uninitiated, Immature, or Mummy’s Kid). Of course, I am fully aware of the shameful fact that I am committing the fallacy of aggregation here but WHATEVER this is a rant ok? I am SUPPOSED to EXAGGERATE when I rant so excuse me, and take this with a pinch of salt. But don’t pinch too much, I’m sure you’d come down with something.. Uh kidney failure I believe, which is what you’d get too if you drink too much, I believe?

I bet you’re thinking “Oh listen to Miss Hoity-Toity preach! She thinks she’s all that!” Yeah well, you know what? I’d be the first to admit I’m not the perfect daughter (And my mum agrees vehemently on the sidelines). I hate playing “Follow the Leader” just as much A. N. Other and I’ve done things I’m terribly ashamed of (So ashamed I can’t bear to give you any examples.. Ok fine, I’d give you one just so you know I’m not a freak: I have in recent times, become what Ray terms a “PONstar” -- though I am actually sick for the past week!). BUT I HATE REBELLING WITHOUT A CAUSE. So if you’re drinking simply because you think you’re being rebellious and therefore by definition, cool, I ask, rebellious against what??? The System? Hello, newsflash, NOBODY CARES! They’ll just give you and your parents a couple of warnings, fine you a couple of grands and maybe, if they bother themselves to be concerned, throw you into some home or other, END OF STORY, no headlines, no publicity ok?

Or perhaps you’re drinking to drown your sorrows. Well I say, Congratulations on being in possession of such a sensitive soul, but (com’on you knew that darned word’s coming right?) BUT what sorrows have you, a teenager, compared to a tax-paying, bill-paying, 9-5 desk-job-toiling adult? Existential angst? Relationship problems? Hmm, valid reasons perhaps, but let’s just say I look at the number of letters addressed to my parents from Singtel, Starhub, Singapore Power, AIA, Whatever & Co every week and dread, with much shaking of knees, the day I really grow up. So save the pubbing for that day, why don’t you? You’d need your kidneys more then.

Anyway I don’t think it’s purely the fault of us teenagers either. So I’d like to suggest to the powers that be, just a tiny, inconsequential suggestion, that perhaps we will all live in a more harmonious and happy society if there were no laws against underage drinking in the first place! I am sure you know how subversive teenagers are, or think we have to be anyway. So by making it illegal to drink when you’re under 18, you make it something to hanker after, stupid! You create an aura of mystique, a je-ne-sais-quoi for drinking and it becomes.. a Cleopatra to our Anthonys, if you get my drift. Same goes for underage smoking, underage clubbing, underage sex, underage anything for that matter.. Geez!

I’ve never felt the thirst for a drink before I hit 18 and have no plans to go on a pubbing spree come 12th July either, because you know what? I can drink anytime I want in my house just that I’ve never felt the need for it! My parents buy Bailey’s when they’re in the airport’s DFS because I’ve said I like the taste once and they (the bottles of Bailey’s, not my parents) stand unopened on the shelves. Back in China, when the whole family gathers in Ah Gong’s dinning hall for reunion dinners, all the kids are handed wee glasses of wine so that we can join in the festivities. Both sides of my family are very lax about drinking rules but I haven’t seen anyone who’s felt the need to abuse that right yet! Mayyybe there’s something to learn from my humble little family, you reckon? No mystique = No Curiosity = No kill the cat. Ja?

GRAH. Why’s the world becoming increasingly messed up every time I wake up from a sleep? This is sadness.

I wonder how many friends I’d still have after this. Hmmm.

And while I’m still given the airtime to rant, I HATE COPYCATS. If you wanna borrow ideas, CREDIT! QUOTE! DARNIT!

Sigh. I’m sorry. I think it comes off more angry in writing. I’m not pissed actually, in fact I’m feeling like a slacker right now. I gotta get all the slack out of my system before I dive into work see? :D


go to, then; your considerate stone.
9:16 PM

Geek Technosexual Art
< l a u g h >
< / l a u g h >


go to, then; your considerate stone.
8:27 PM

Still Frames
Photos are up! Click this way.

Some highlights just for laughs:
Our resident ditz and PUNditz doing a Hannah #2! ;)
Jolene's Birthday 011
Us at National Stadium Theatrette for 'This is the Sea' and creating a racket :D No Jo, I didn't say 'creating a rocket'. Anyways, sea kayaking is c001 (I type like a true geek technosexual.. not)! And so is walking across the National Stadium (it deserves some respect so I capitalised N and S). Tho I have to admit I was rather disappointed at how small it looks from the field, which is really odd cos usually you'd feel overwhelmed just standing in the spectators' stands..hmm. Anyways, interesting people were there in the rather small audience! Like Gideon who was ET & my OBS instructor (obviously not my pale green SJI boat lah!) :)
Jolene's Birthday 007
Jo getting lucky outside Lucky Plaza :D Now now MissHearing Problem, I asked if you "Liked it" not "LICK it"!
Jolene's Birthday 003
I have a knack for capturing people at their most unglam. This is Jave the revolutionary. She's shouting at the NYDC staff to "HURRY UP AND FEED THE CANOEISTS! or I'll show you some arm power!"
Canoob Jave
..And here's Canoob Jave reporting for duty! Technosexual to the core! :E <-- simplified form of the funny emoticon she always uses, the one with all the teeth sticking out

Heehee. I better train up my reflexes to catch the rotten tomatoes coming my way..


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go to, then; your considerate stone.
1:14 AM

An Invitation
Here's the NWKC post.. Still not v coherent but it's the best I can manage :D V v v loooong, you've been warned!
13 May:

:) What a day!

First, foremost and most importantly, THANK YOU GOD for being with me all the way! Also for letting me realize that I can live a worry-free life as long as I surrender it all :)
Let me just share what I went thru in the past weeks so that you will see in the end why today’s results are so important to me, and why it’s a milestone in my relationship with God: Basically, I had been struggling thru all my trainings in the past 2 weeks. Partly because I was in quite a bit of physical pain.. 1) I’d strained my right thigh about a month back and it still hasn’t healed. Actually, to be honest, I refused to give it a chance to heal because I was worried that my cardio would suffer if I stopped running. 2) My sole got attacked by a splinter at macritchie so it was really hard to move around too.. 3) Strained the left side of my lower back doing max rep lats row during a trng something like 2 weeks back? It would cramp up real tight whenever I flex it, like when I’m carrying boats or when I’m rowing. 4) This one is kinda stupid, strained my left bicep last Friday because I was spamming pull-ups at home.. It’s stupid because I was only doing that since I was feeling guilty for taking a break from school :P

Yup, so as you can see, wasn’t in the best of conditions during trainings, particularly the water ones. And so because my timings weren’t superb and Jo was being such a big threat, I was really really low in morale. Could feel myself sinking into this quicksand and the more I struggled, the more anxious I got, the deeper I sunk. Can still remember one of the trainings last week when Jo beat me for one of the 500s and at the end of the day when I asked Jiaolian what I should work on, he pointed at his head and said, “Relax more, you’re giving yourself too much pressure.” He got my problem spot on. All week I’d been feeling really.. claustrophobic, like I’d jumped into a well and I’m desperately treading water to get back to the surface and grab what I thought I had to achieve for NWKC to be answerable to God, the team, Jiaolian and myself. I was trying to hold onto to many things at once and pushing myself in so many directions. Yet thru it all, God was good and patient with me. He reminded me of His faithfulness constantly, from keeping me going during that 7 X Killer slope run I’d blogged about to sending taxis along when I’m desparately late.. Little things that I prayed about, He’d answer :) Unfortunately, after I’d marveled at His goodness, I’d go back to worrying about the goal I’d set for myself and wondering how on earth I was going to achieve it. You know I’m stubborn like that :D

I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God. (Romans 8:18 – 20)
Then on Wednesday morning, we were having canoe cell and I shared this verse that I found, “Those who wage war against you will be as nothing at all. For I am your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.” (Isaiah 41:12-13) And Jo asked, “What if they have the same verse as you?” To be honest, I’d given this some thought previously but only in passing. However, when I gave her my answer, it sort of stuck itself in my conscience.. yknow what I mean? Anyways, this is what I told her, “Yes, but see, the thing about being ‘living sacrifices’ is that you have to surrender your life fully to him (and hence it’s not a once-off, ohdear-here-comes-the-butcher-knife-I-wanna-crawl-off-the-altar kinda thing) and accepting His will as it is, even if I were to lose to ________, I will try (really hard I should add, it’s definitely not easy :S) to accept it because who knows? Maybe I’d helped her realize that she can depend on God. And so in that way, I’d realized His plans for me.” And from then on, I realized that this really should be my focus: to trust in the Perfect Plan rather than holding on stubbornly to my selfish hopes and dreams.. As in He knows how much medals mean to me, but whatever that’s God’s will, just let it be! Perhaps He’s got something greater in store for me later on.. That said, what’s more important is that I shouldn’t let it stay just as talk, I have to live it too. That’s why by Friday, even tho I just barely survived 2 really crap water trngs, I decided to really let go and let God :)

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God. … And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified. (Romans 8:28 – 30)
But that’s not the end of the story. On Saturday, while I was slacking around after doing some work, I realized I shouldn’t be so laissez-faire tho. I have to put in my best because God’s got faith in me to carry out His will! It’s all about Stewardship..The very thing Ironwoman Ms Lim shared about during canoe camp :) Haha so I was in a very positive frame of mind by then.. I knew that as long as I dedicated myself to being a good vessel for doing God’s will, everything will be all right :)

When the angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon, he said, “The Lord is with you, mighty warrior.” … “But Lord,” Gideon asked, how can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family.” The Lord answered, “I will be with you, and you will strike down all the Midianites together. (Judges 6:12, 15 –16)
If I were to say I never felt the slightest tinge of nervousness today, I would be lying. I am not so strong spiritually as to remember all of God’s lessons all the time so self-doubt does set in sporadically. I think the final race is the best example of this. From the moment I saw the line-up to the moment the start-line official sounded the horn, I seriously thought I should just expect a 4th placing (See? There it is again, my own expectations).. I merely managed enough sanity to utter a prayer to God to bless me with the strength I need to do His will. That gave me some peace as we aligned the boats for the start of the race. Unfortunately, when I soon saw that I haven’t managed to break out from the formation after the start bursts, I could feel the familiar negativity seeping in.. But God is faithful as always, He reminded me of how I wanted to row for Him and Him alone. So I started singing to myself (ok I was more like repeating these lines: “This is for You ‘cause you died for me/ And I wanted to show You how much You mean” and “Jesus I decide to live/ Live a life that shouts Your fame”) and just enjoyed the row. I dare say my peripheral vision actually vanished for a good 150m or so! All I felt was exhilaration, from knowing that my paddle was catching water properly, that Gideon Jnr was gliding (or as much as a T1 can glide anyway), and that I only had to answer to God at the end –not knitted brows can faze me, no curt words can hurt me anymore :) So it sort of came as a shock when I realized that I’d pulled away as we neared the finish line, I almost expected someone to overtake me soon! :D

This is for You :)
This is for You :)

..So that was the race; I don’t think I’d ever forget that feeling of absolute focus, of what it’s like to just lay down my fears and believe in His power. When I got back, I tried to figure out why He’d let things go the way they did and I think I’ve got an inkling..

You see, at some point in time, it crossed my mind that I’m going to row for you too. Because I wanted to show you what faith can do when it’s placed in the right thing. God loves you and He can’t bear to see you wearing yourself out fighting you own battle anymore. He wants to bless you with so many things! And I can see you already, going forth in life, fulfilling His callings using the talents He’s given you at birth –your ability to sympathise and encourage others, your love for the environment—to build up His kingdom on earth.

Right now, God is inviting you to experience His love and live for Him, because in Him is eternity. Living to create an earthly legacy is short-sighted; you weren’t put on earth to be remembered by people, what is the probability of that anyway? Man’s passions are flitting; even if you’re remembered for a lifetime, will it last for all eternity? And without His help, you need a lot of effort to achieve that state of ‘immortality’, that’s why we burn out.. that’s why we break down. A wiser use of the brief time you have on earth is to dedicate it to a Purpose, His Purpose that prepares us for eternity. That is living for something, everything else merely requires you to exist. All you have to do is open your heart to Him because he stands ready at your side, just waiting for the moment when He can pour His love into you.. All you have to do is receive and believe! In fact it’s as simple as bowing your head now and whispering, “Jesus, I believe in you and receive you.” Go on, surrender yourself :) It’ll be the only surrender you need to make before you’re taken from glory to glory to glory :)

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go to, then; your considerate stone.
8:41 AM

This feels Familiar
Geez Yang get a grip, what makes you think...?
12 May:
Grr stupid blogger's down, so I'm updating in this entry.. Anyways, race tmr! EXCITING YO! Haha, I'm feeling pretty alright condsidering.. anyways, I have a feeling it's gonna be a good day tmr! Yayy! :)
Don't be afraid people, it's a waste of energy :) GODSPEED!
14 May:
GG Blogger is being such an ass!! Rahh. Anyways,
I wrote a more detailed but incoherent entry for NWKC in my journal :) When I've cleared all the fatigue-induced grammatical mistakes and stuff I'll post it up, so watch this space! :))

In the meanwhile, this song on my 'Race Day' playlist pretty much sums it up:
Believe it or not but life is not apparently
About me anyways
But I have met the One who really is worthy
So let me say

So long, self
Well, it's been fun, but I have found somebody else
So long, self
There's just no room for two
So you are gonna have to move
So long, self
Don't take this wrong but you are wrong for me, farewell
Oh well, goodbye, don't cry
So long, self

So Long SelfMercyMe

In other unrelated news, I AM AS HEAVY AS ELISA AND HANNAH WHO'RE BOTH TALLER THAN ME!! GG X________X I can go join TAF club now thanks..
...Ok lah, my only consolation is that when I asked my mum how heavy I look, she said 40+ :S

Haha, I think I'm coming down with something (ok maybe it's more psychlogical and I am just a victim of herd mentality-- why're so many people falling sick??) so I'm off to bed! Goodnight world :)

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go to, then; your considerate stone.
10:54 PM

Keep the Faith, girl!
I'm kinda tired of doing Lit Week poster.. BOO. The stuff I get from my researcher is.. educational, but not quite all I need to design a poster. Ahh well. 4 down, 2 more to go!

Water today was.. semi-good. My 1k was pretty alright, not quite PB yet but the best so far this year. 500s.. :{ The first one was pretty crap.. Lesson learnt: I've got to keep rowing while waiting for my turn to race. The second one was better but towards the end some stupid C2 tried to 'national day parade' with Gideon Jnr. I was pretty pissed. Ok make that VERY PISSED. And it dint help that some K2 from the same school rowed by me later without giving me warning and my paddle scraped practically the entire length of that boat. >:{ RAHH. Now it's receving some TLC from me at home. BUT WHATEVER, like I decided during the last of the start bursts, everything bad today stays in the water.. OK? Ok. Actually the MacR was looking very pretty this morning so I really shouldn't pollute it by leaving my anger behind.. but TOO BAAAAAAD!!
Oops, I kinda forgot for a moment that I'm supposed to be the eco-warrior here. :D

Anyways, pst-water sets made my day :) For the first time ever I could keep up with Jave for the whole killer-slopes run!! YAYYY Thank You! Haha cos we had to run it 7 times so we were like, ok this is for Night and Day, this is for the vegetation (I know, what a motivation! :D), this is for the living creatures... and last but not least, this is for the day of REST! But as it turned out we kinda got the order and stuff wrong, as I just found out while reading the Bible. The last time I read Genesis was soooo loooong ago! :}
Then we went to the pull-up bars to do our pull-up sets (push ups for me, I strained my left bicep yesterday), and along came this cute little french boy! Ohmygoodness his eyelashes are so long when he looks up to the sky it reaches all the way to his eyebrows! Anyhoo I found to my dismay that my french has deteriorated to simple phrases like "Comment tu t'appelle?" Couldn't remember how to ask "How old are you?"! I think it starts with "Combien" and uh the rest.. haha. Talk about 'chicken trying to communicate with duck'! :D Ohoh and when Jave told him he's such a pretty boy, guess what he did? HE SMIRKED. (Does a Hannah) FAINTS.
Tut tut tut! :D

CANOE OUTING NEXT FRIDAY!!! Yayness. We're gonna watch This is the Sea at uh, National Stadium Theatrette? Someplace like that.. And before that we going for dinner! We haven't went out like this for a while! LOL I'm so excited because this will be the first time I can just hang out in ages.. Yes, sadly my life is pretty dry, or wet, if you get my drift. If I'm not trng, I'm at school (Haha yes, in that order!), or I'm sleeping, or stuffing my face.. Ohdear. But I'm not complaining at the mo! How can I with such hot babes for company! :D

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go to, then; your considerate stone.
8:25 PM
Et toutes mes peines
Child of God. 12th July 1989. RjcanYeist! 1/2 of Pundits of Pun. TIME Person of the Year 2006 ;) Orange! B&J's Chunky Monkey! Dark chocolates! Sleeping in on rainy days! Attention span of 600 goldfishes.

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